This is how my Buggy Looked at first......
Then it started evolving........
We started participating in Hill Climbs as well........
We even built another body for Hill Climbs....
This was the last time I drove my Buggy which turned out to be one of those races where you can never forget. When I was on the last lap in front of one of the best cars we have on the track my engine just broke down with oil failure. The valve cover gaskets ......just blew off. Leaving the engine with NO oil and me....................... EH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And this is my latest Volks love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is how it looks now with the white wall tires and all, I really love it like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is my friend Walter's Golf Very Cool !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here they are together as friends.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This, I found on the street and used for some time, Nothing special but looks cool.!!!!!!!!!!!
This is a 1968 Bug White pearl with a very nice interior, and some body modifications which I made myself.
This is my latest project !!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's a 1974 White Bug.
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